We are pleased to announce the 10.2 release of the Software Delivery Automation platform. In 10.1, we introduced Software Delivery Automation connecting, automating, and orchestrating the software delivery process, by bringing together CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD/RO in a single platform. With this new release, we continue on the path to unified administration, data, and reporting, introducing new value across CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD/RO with unified authentication across the platform, new CI pipeline audit reports, improvements to microservices deployment modeling, and more.
Unified authentication across Software Delivery Automation
Software Delivery Automation connects CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD, and Release Orchestration in a single platform. For a true platform experience, we are introducing unified authentication for the CI and CD/RO capabilities. Authentication providers are configured centrally in Software Delivery Automation administration, and users just log in once to access all capabilities of the platform. This simplifies administration and management, as well as makes navigation across the platform seamless.
Stress free audits with CI build audit reports
In regulated industries, audits are a regular occurence. Teams can spend countless hours preparing data to trace the exact people, process and changes required for audits, including tracing all of the build details.
Building on the data integration in version 10.1, CI build details are streamed to the platform and persisted in the common object model. A new CI build list page provides an easy way to find the build you need and access new audit reports. The reports pull together the key build data in a comprehensive view, providing the traceability required for audit, with the option to export as PDF for ease of submission to auditors. Reports include:
- Test results and details
- Source Control Activity
- Approvals and manual
- References to CD/RO pipelines and third-party libraries
- Artifacts published by the build
- Plugin Usage details
With new CI build audit reports, together with CD pipeline audit reports introduced in 10.1, teams can provide auditors with a comprehensive view of the audit trail with a few simple clicks.
Improved CI infrastructure insights in Software Delivery Automation Analytics
In the first release of CloudBees Software Delivery Automation, we centralized analytics from CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD into CloudBees Analytics (previously DevOps Insight) capabilities, with two new dashboards providing CI insights.
We are continuing to improve the usability of these views, to help shared services teams get the data and insights they need to manage their CI infrastructure.. The Plugin Usage dashboards now have drill downs to see exact lists of plugins, and search capabilities to find the plugin you need. Workload Insight dashboard improves the views with sorting, pagination and messages indicating no data on day 1.
Track users across the platform with the license usage REST API
It is now simple to track and understand usage across CI and CD capabilities. SDA tracks all CI user related activity produced when someone logs into the platform or a commit triggers a new build, providing understanding of how many different users are using CI capabilities across and per controller. Software Delivery Automation Analytics offers a REST API with parameters to filter on controllers or over a time period, to retrieve and report on platform usage.
With the new REST API, CI users do not need to install and maintain the User Activity Monitoring Plugin and run scripts to merge data across controllers anymore.
Enhanced microservices models with rollback
Continuing to build on new microservices modeling introduced in 10.1, we have added support for automated rollback with Helm, to quickly respond to deployment failures with a rollback to a previously deployed version. Microservice models also now accept Helm chart version as input to better control repeatable deployments across environments.
We continuously develop and improve plugins used across DevOps processes, including:
- EC-Git
- EC-GCP-ComputeEngine
- EC-Helm and EC-Kubectl plugin updated to support the new microservices models
Download Instructions
- Download Software Delivery Automation at CloudBees Downloads
- Release notes and product documentation are available online: CloudBees CD/RO Documentation & CloudBees Analytics Documentation
Supported Configurations
See supported platforms and system requirements for CloudBees CD/RO for a complete list of supported platforms and configurations.
Upgrades to 10.2 LTS are supported from CloudBees CD 8.x, 9.x, 10.0.x and 10.1.x versions. For complete install instructions, please see the Installation section of the documentation.
Contact Support with questions related to this release by going to the CloudBees technical support site at and submitting a support request. Improvement requests can be filed at
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