Original Creation Date: 2016-12-19 17:33:37 UTC
Electric Cloud is pleased to announce the general availability of the ElectricFlow 7.1 FR. This release is of the “Feature Release” type. For more information about types of releases, please go to ElectricFlow Release Strategy.
ElectricFlow 7.1 FR introduces new support for deploying microservices and containers at scale, as well as enhancements to the solution across the board.
Some of the highlights are:
Microservices and Container Release Automation
ElectricFlow 7.1 adds native support for enterprises to safely deploy microservices and containers at scale in large, enterprise environments. With this new capability, it is possible to model and coordinate releases, whether they are monolithic applications, full microservices, or a hybrid of both. People who are starting down the path of microservices can model their hybrid deployments that still have monolithic components, as well as microservices. We integrate with major container runtime engines, removing the complexity of these tools, and prevent getting locked into one provider by standardizing container deployments across platforms. Here is a link to a quick demonstration https://youtu.be/rnZU3wIEXP0
Enhanced Centralized Agent Management (CAM)
In 7.0 we added support for Windows remote agent install and upgrade. We have continued to enhance the CAM feature in 7.1 with new capabilities. For agent installation, we now support specifying a post-install step to be run on the agent after installation. This allows for testing the agent, or running additional installations or configurations on the new agent. We also added the ability to specify advanced agent configuration options as part of the install parameters, and now enforce access controls in the CAM UI, preventing unauthorized users from starting down the installation path.
Release Dashboard Filtering and Performance
7.1 provide a better experience on the release dashboard page. New filtering options allow users to quickly focus on the releases relevant to them and improved performance means faster load times when viewing large numbers of releases.
New Plugins and Plugin Version
- New plugins EC-GoogleContainerEngine and EC-AmazonECS enable easy deployments of microservices and containers, and portability between container providers.
- You can now copy artifacts from a source artifact repository to one or more target repositories. The new SyncArtifactVersion procedure in the EC-Artifact plugin allows copying of artifacts from a source artifact repository to one ore more target repositories. This helpssupport distributed architectures with multiple artifact repositories.
- New versions of the ServiceNow, Websphere and WebLogic plugins, adding new functionality and stronger integrations.
Various Product Enhancements
- Agent Installer improvements with new options for running the Linux agent as root user, setting delayed start for Windows agent service, and exposing advanced configuration options within the installer.
- Change to the application and component process editors make it easy to change the action performed by a step, without requiring the step to be deleted and re-created
Download Instructions
Download ElectricFlow 7.1 FR from the Electric Cloud Sharefile site.
- Login using your personalized account to the Electric Cloud Sharefile at https://electric-cloud.sharefile.com
- Navigate to: /products/flow/release_7.1/ or click here:
- Server and agent installers are located in the directory corresponding to the operating system (for example, windows)
- IDE plug-in installers are located in the /products/commander/integrations directory
- Release notes and product documentation are available online: ElectrircFlow Documentation
Supported Configurations
See the “System Requirements and Supported Platforms” section in the ElectricFlow Installation Guide for a complete list of supported platforms and configurations.
Upgrades to ElectricFlow 7.1 FR are supported from ElectricCommander 4.2.x, ElectricFlow 5.x, ElectricFlow 6.0 through 6.5, 6.0.1 through 6.0.6, and ElectricFlow 7.0,7.0.1. Systems that are pre-4.2 must be upgraded to ElectricCommander 4.2.x before upgrading to ElectricFlow 7.1 FR. For complete upgrade requirements and instructions, please see the ElectricFlow Installation Guide.
Contact Customer Support with questions related to this release at support@electric-cloud.com.
Contact the product management team at Electric Cloud for this or any ElectricFlow releases at productmanagement@electric-cloud.com
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