Original Creation Date: 2009-09-23 23:09:42 UTC
The 3.2 release increases the value of ElectricCommander by providing multiple enhancements to continue Commander’s market leading support for the enterprise and more out of the box functionality. Electric Cloud recommends that all customers upgrade both their Commander Server and Agents to version 3.2. A partial list of improvements is included below. Please see the Release Notes for a comprehensive list of product improvements and known issues.
Release Highlights
This release provides several improvements including:
· Fault Tolerance - Jobs will continue to run and automatically reconnect if the Commander Server or the network connection is temporarily unavailable.
· Floating Licensing – License limit is enforced on hosts running job steps, rather than on the number of enabled hosts.
· Internationalization - Web UI is now localized for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages, including support for UTF-8 data input and display.
· EC-Utilities Project - This project contains re-usable procedures to perform common Commander tasks.
· EC-Examples Project - This project contains templates for procedures that illustrate functionality and can be adapted for site-specific use.
· ectool improvements - new command-line options allow creation of shareable (relocatable) exports and easier manipulation of users and groups.
· Documentation improvements include a new properties online help topic containing all current Commander intrinsic properties and their definitions.
Download Instructions
Download ElectricCommander 3.2 and its documentation from the Electric Cloud FTP site.
- Log in to the Electric Cloud FTP site at http://ftp.electric-cloud.com/ftp or by FTP client at ftp.electric-cloud.com
- Navigate to the cmdr-3.2 directory
- Documentation is located in the docs directory
- Server and agent installers are located in the directory corresponding to the operating system (for example, windows)
- IDE plug-in installers are located in the plugins directory
Supported Configurations
See the “System Requirements and Supported Platforms” section in the ElectricCommander Installation and Configuration Guide for a complete list of supported platforms and configurations.
Supported Upgrade Paths
3.2 supports upgrades from version 2.2.1 and above. If you plan to upgrade from an earlier version, please contact Customer Support for assistance.
Contact Customer Support with issues related to this release at support@electric-cloud.com.
Contact Dax Farhang, Product Manager, with feedback on this or any ElectricCommander release at 408-419-4370 or dfarhang@electric-cloud.com.
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