Original Creation Date: 2014-05-12 15:17:10 UTC
Electric Cloud is pleased to announce the general availability of ElectricCommander 5.0. This release provides the ability to run ElectricCommander in a high availability configuration and scale out the installation to handle increasing workloads. Further enhancements extend Commander into Continuous Delivery by adding support for application and environment modeling along with deployment automation.
High Availability
With this release it is possible to deploy ElectricCommander in a clustered mode to provide a fault tolerant “active/active” configuration. In this configuration, two or more Commander servers can actively handle workload in the same installation. If a Commander server becomes unavailable for any reason, other servers in the cluster would ensure continued service to end users and running jobs. This significantly improves reliability and uptime.
Horizontal Scalability
With this release you can scale out your Commander installation to cater to increased load. You can configure multiple Commander servers to actively handle load in a single installation.
Continuous Delivery
This release introduces ElectricFlow, our next-generation offering for Continuous Delivery. ElectricFlow is built as a new suite of applications on top of the Commander platform and provides an optimized user experience for Continuous Delivery spanning build, test, deploy and release. In this 5.0 version of ElectricFlow, the focus is on deployment automation including a new model-based deploy capability and persona-based user interface. Deployment automation in ElectricFlow replaces ElectricDeploy.
Faster Troubleshooting
Request and Log analyzer utilities to quickly troubleshoot issues for faster root cause analysis.
Please refer to the upgrade quick start guide and release notes for more information including customer reported defects and enhancements fixed in this release.
Download Instructions
DownloadElectricCommander 5.0 from the Electric Cloud Sharefile site.
- Login using your personalized account to the Electric Cloud Sharefile at https://electric-cloud.sharefile.com
- Navigate to the /products/commander/release_5.0/5.0.72466 directory.
- Server and agent installers are located in the directory corresponding to the operating system (for example, windows)
- IDE plug-in installers are located in the /products/commander/integrations directory
- Release notes and product documentation are available online: Electric Cloud documentation
Supported Configurations
See the “System Requirements and Supported Platforms” section in the ElectricCommander Installation Guide for a complete list of supported platforms and configurations.
Commander 5.0 supports upgrades from version 4.2.x. Hence you need to be at 4.2 or greater version. Also this upgrade to 5.0 requires some additional resource considerations and planning. Please see the “Upgrade quick start guide” mentioned above and also the “Upgrading ElectricCommander” chapter in the ElectricCommander installation guide for complete upgrade instructions.
We will hold a webinar in early June to introduce you to the features in this release. Please look for an invitation to follow shortly.
Contact Customer Support with questions related to this release at support@electric-cloud.com.
Contact the product management team at Electric Cloud for this or any ElectricCommander release at productmanagement@electric-cloud.com
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