Original Creation Date: 2016-08-04 17:28:30 UTC
Electric Cloud is pleased to announce the general availability of the ElectricFlow 6.5 FR. This release is of the “Feature Release” type. For more information about types of releases, please go to ElectricFlow Release Strategy.
ElectricFlow 6.5 FR enhances the solution across the board with several key updates to the Platform as well ElectricFlow Deploy and Release modules.
Some of the highlights are:
Native Rolling Deployment support for zero downtime updates to business critical applications
ElectricFlow 6.5 adds native support for rolling deployment for an easy, low-risk way to achieve zero-downtime rollouts to large numbers of endpoints. With this native capability it is possible to easily ‘model’ various rolling deployment policies instead of “script heavy” approaches. This also enables teams to “practice rolling deployments” with high fidelity in lower Environments for high degree of success during production rollouts.
Environment Reservation and Calendaring for conflict management
Managing resource conflicts across Applications, Releases and teams is crucial in highly distributed global enterprises. ElectricFlow 6.5 now allows reserving Environments for Applications, Pipelines or Releases for guaranteed resource availability. It is also possible to define ‘Blackout’ windows for Environments for planned maintenance work. In addition to reservations, rich Calendar views make it easy to visualize planned work and conflicts.
Automated Environment Discovery for faster onboarding
In order to accelerate model creation for faster onboarding, ElectricFlow 6.5 introduces automated Environment discovery. It is now possible to interrogate existing Environments, like WebSphere setups, to automatically populate resource configuration details to reduce time taken to build deployment models. Such automated discovery capability not only aids faster onboarding of ElectricFlow, but also allows for replicating existing environments thus reducing the chance for human error.
Full stack Dependency view to visualize and manage dependencies
In distributed environments different teams can be responsible for authoring Application and managing Infrastructure. In such cases, managing dependencies across the stack becomes even more important for optimum Application deployments and performance. The full stack dependency view shows a mapping between Application Tiers and Environment to ensure that Infrastructure capabilities can support the minimum Application requirements.
Support for Nested LDAP Groups for ease of administration
ElectricFlow 6.5 supports LDAP group hierarchies to easily leverage your existing LDAP structures for user authentication. This significantly reduces cost of user administration.
Various efficiency Enhancements for faster time to value
ElectricFlow 6.5 includes a number of visual improvements for a richer user experience.
- Simplified Searching and Filtering of Platform screens: ‘Google like’ search for Projects, Jobs, Workflows, Artifacts in the platform to quickly find objects of interest.
- One click ‘DSL export’ for Deploy and Release objects
- “Wait until” and “Run if” conditions for Pipeline objects for deeper control
Download Instructions
Download ElectricFlow 6.5 FR from the Electric Cloud Sharefile site.
- Login using your personalized account to the Electric Cloud Sharefile at https://electric-cloud.sharefile.com
- Navigate to: /products/flow/release_6.5/ or click here:
- Server and agent installers are located in the directory corresponding to the operating system (for example, windows)
- IDE plug-in installers are located in the /products/commander/integrations directory
- Release notes and product documentation are available online: ElectrircFlow Documentation
Supported Configurations
See the “System Requirements and Supported Platforms” section in the ElectricFlow Installation Guide for a complete list of supported platforms and configurations.
Upgrades to ElectricFlow 6.5 FR are supported from ElectricCommander 4.2.x, ElectricFlow 5.x, ElectricFlow 6.4, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0 LTS, 6.0.1 to 6.0.5. Systems that are pre-4.2 must be upgraded to ElectricCommander 4.2.x before upgrading to ElectricFlow 6.5 FR. For complete upgrade requirements and instructions, please see the ElectricFlow Installation Guide.
Contact Customer Support with questions related to this release at support@electric-cloud.com.
Contact the product management team at Electric Cloud for this or any ElectricFlow releases at productmanagement@electric-cloud.com
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